It’s Leo season and time to celebrate. Imbolc in the southern hemisphere marks the start of spring. On a recent trip to Cloudehill Gardens in Olinda, I had the joy of seeing real snowdrops emerging from a frosty carpet of oak leaves. The fresh new growth of spring always fills me with hope and optimism.
Imbolc is the celebration of light returning and the goddess Brigid. The light brings clarity, healing, creation, and self-knowledge.
Lammas celebrates the first harvest in the northern hemisphere, a time for taking stock and harvesting what you have achieved.
The spiritual lesson for Leo is to realise your inner strength, and the second week of August sees us overcoming a few challenges. Harness your inner power and face adversity with trust and courage. Problems are not insurmountable; there is always a solution. Have compassion for yourself and others.
The second half of August brings endings and a new beginning. There will be a stage of transformation, the rebirth from one form into another. It is a time to evolve and move on from being stuck in repetition or clinging to bad habits.
Own your power and realise your full potential on all levels. Free yourself from worries, fears and insecurities that may be holding you back. Don’t allow the restriction to dampen your spirit and repress the expression of your soul.
Know that you always have free will. Free yourself from anything or anyone who restricts or imprisons you. Liberate your mind and heart and allow your soul to reach new heights.
The World brings completion, success and a feeling of gratitude. There is a sense of fulfilment as everything comes together. The World also acknowledges the birth of a new era; through cycles like these, we achieve spiritual growth.
Trust and believe in yourself. You already know the answers to your questions, so don’t second guess yourself or rely on the opinions or approval of others.
Watch out for signs and signals from nature and the mystical worlds: feathers, dreams, rainbows, cloud formations, songs etc.
April Vibes 2024
The Spring / Autumn Equinox and Ostara bring balance and growth. Let go of anything you no longer want and create new things. Now is…