The Spring / Autumn Equinox and Ostara bring balance and growth. Let go of anything you no longer want and create new things. Now is the time to start new projects!
The Knight of Cups card encourages you to pursue your heartfelt desires. Listen to your emotions and follow your intuition in matters related to the heart. Approach situations with enthusiasm and an open heart to experience joy, happiness, and fulfilment.
Feel free to embrace romantic opportunities when they appear this month. Get excited about the possibilities ahead, especially in relationships. If you’re starting a new relationship, the presence of this court card represents good news. This new person may be the partner you’ve been waiting for!
Be prepared for a breakthrough this month. You will gain new insight and understanding as you cut through confusion for a clearer view. Mental clarity and intellectual capability will leave you feeling empowered and strong,
Focus on truth, honesty, and integrity, and fight for your goals and dreams. Stick to your principles to overcome obstacles and create positive change.
Approach challenges with a clear and sharp mind, and you’ll achieve success. Use your intellect to analyse, plan, and communicate effectively. Be strategic and never give up on your dreams and goals.
Career will be a focus during April. Teamwork, networking and focused effort bring growth and success. You may be learning new skills or mastering what you already know, but you’ll gain recognition and build a solid foundation for future career or business success.

March Vibes 2024
March carries the magical energy of Pisces. Compassionate, empathetic, highly sensitive, intuitive and psychic, they care and nurture those around them. Stillness, soul-searching and introspection…