The New Moon on the 18th October bring the energies of Scorpio into our consciousness. Scorpio asks us to look at the deepest, darkest, and scariest aspects of ourselves, others and the world around us. Scorpio, and the death card in Tarot, is the sign of transformation, change, death and rebirth.
If you are looking to transform your own life, now is the perfect time to let go of the negative and destructive habits, thought patterns, limiting beliefs and mindset that have been holding you back for so long! You may not have been fully aware of it, but you have probably been going through a transition process for some time, and now it is time to release that old you and re-emerge again, renewed, re-born and re-invented!!

Using Tarot For Shadow Work
The shadow side of Scorpio is that it can be secretive, manipulative and controlling in a very calculated way. Scorpios love to keep their life secretive and private, while they scrutinise the lives of others is in the hope getting some sort of advantage or control over the other person or a situation. Although Scorpio are great investigators and love to find the hidden aspects of others, they are very guarded and protective about their own lives and secrets.
You can use your Tarot cards to tap in and reveal what lies beneath in your subconscious mind – all the hidden, painful and negative things that we ignore and repress. Tarot Cards can bring to the surface the deeper issues that you need to process and work through in order to manifest your goals and life the life that your heart truly desires.
Gather your journal, favourite Tarot and Oracle decks, crystals, candles, pendulums and any other items that you love to use and get started working with your Shadow!!! Take a few moments to relax, ground and center yourself. Then ask yourself:
- What is really bothering you right now?
- What is preventing you from living your life to the fullest?
- What blockages are stopping your personal growth?
- What are you personally struggling with at the moment?
- What are your trying to ignore?
- Is there something that you wish to change – mindset, habit, pattern?
- What negative influences do you have in your life?
- What is really hiding beneath the surface?

Just journal for a while, writing down all your thoughts, emotions and feelings. If you feel stuck, pull out a Tarot card for some insight. Ask the cards “What is really happening?”, “What can I do to move forward?”, “What’s really going on?” or “What am I not addressing?”.
Now take a moment to visualize what it is that you really want. Write down your life exactly as you would love to experience it. What does it look, feel, taste, sound and smell like? Use all your senses and emotions as your write, and be as specific as you can be.
Take a cleansing swim in the ocean or pool or bathe in a scented bath. Give yourself a body brush or scrub, followed by a lavish slathering of a natural organic moisturizer or scented body oil. Smudge yourself with a sage stick, burn incense, light candles, beat a drum or play healing music. Release all the old energies that have been holding your back.
"Shadow Work" Tarot Spread
If you are still struggling with resolving your deepest issues, try this Tarot Spread.
- What am I turning a blind eye to?
- What am I not seeing about myself?
- What am I hiding from myself?
- What does my inner child need to tell me?
- What do I need help with?
- What pain do I still hold onto?
- What do I need to do to remove this pain?
- What do I need to do to empower myself?
- What is my potential if I make the necessary changes?
"Regeneration" Oracle Card
The Oracle card that I have selected is “Regeneration” from the Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. This is a card of rebirth, new opportunities and second chances! If you think that your life was stuck, stagnant with no chance for success, then this is the time for revival and rebirth in a stronger, more positive and more authentic way!! It is time to step forward and embrace a new life. If you are after a new loving relationship, then now is the time for change. There is life and new love after the death of a past relationship! No matter what has happened in the past, you are able to learn, change and come out a radiant new you that only attracts love in positive forms!! If money, career and success have been disappointing in the past, now is the time for new understanding and awareness. You have made mistakes in the past and you have also learned from those lessons. Don’t dwell on the past because you are now a more powerful version of your old self and you are ready for a rebirth into abundance and prosperity!