August Forecast
Despite the current situation world-wide, the forecast for August is encouraging with the Magician, The Ace of Cups, the Ace of Swords and King of…
Despite the current situation world-wide, the forecast for August is encouraging with the Magician, The Ace of Cups, the Ace of Swords and King of…
I hope that you are all well and surviving these difficult, unprecedented times. It has undoubtedly been challenging and has forced most of us to…
After two or three months in isolation, there is finally some movement forward! Cafes, restaurants, bars, schools, and venues are finally re-opening and we have…
It appears that the easing of lock down restrictions is on the cards. The Four of Wands brings freedom and a sense of “breaking free”!…
Most countries are now experiencing some form of lock down as a result of the Coronavirus, so it is not surprising to see that cards…
Wow! The beginning of March may bring bitterness, animosity, aggression, resentment or opposition with the Seven of Swords and the Hostilities Oracle card appearing. You…
Wow, we are into 2020 and how is it feeling? The energy is certainly different and it’s not all smooth sailing. February will challenge us…
Happy New Year!! It’s very exciting that we are not only welcoming a new year, but also a new decade that will bring a fresh…
The New Moon in Virgo arrives on the 20th September, bringing in a new moon cycle. The New moon is always a time for introspection…
Emotional blockages prevent you from living your life in alignment with your soul’s true desire. Blockages can be around money, career, success, abundance, love, relationships…
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